New In 2024, How Can You Use Suspense Music to Master Film Score

New In 2024, How Can You Use Suspense Music to Master Film Score

David Lv13

How Can You Use Suspense Music to Master Film Score

Are you a scriptwriter? Are you into dark and mystery movies? The article will surely make you curious!

The filmmakers test different kinds of music for mystery, horror, and thrill-based genre. However, the suspense music takes the lead with its unique dynamics. A suspense background music is everything that takes the people on edge.

The article shall present an insight into the suspense music works in movies and films. A guide to using the music better in an intense environment will also be included. Stay tuned to know three workable platforms to download royalty-free suspense background music. So, let us start?

In this article

01 How Does Suspense Music Work in Film?

02 Tips to Better Use Suspense Music to Create Suspenseful Atmosphere to the Film

03 3 Trendy Sites to Download Royalty Free Suspense Music

Part 1: How Does Suspense Music Work in Film?

It is crucial to understand how suspense music works in the film, especially for beginners. Most movie makers do not know how to build the tension and drop it. The carefully planned dynamics are your way to great mystery output.

The dynamics of the intense music are used to lower the volume and then burst out the music and reveal the big secret. A perfect balance between tension and revulsion creates a more powerful storyline and impacts the audience.

The first factor, tension, is always built slowly and steadily. The suspense background music is deployed in such a situation. Revulsion, on the other hand, is the next moment. It is when the monster is out of the closet. It is the revelation of the big secret of the movie. If tension is the suspenseful music, the revulsion is where horror music comes over.

The right balance between the two soundtracks will mark the success of your upcoming thriller. If the tension lasts longer, the audience breaks it on their own. It often occurs through a joke or breaking silence. Similarly, if the revulsion cues in soon, there is not enough time to build the fear.

suspense scene

For instance, the Main Theme from “Gravity” establishes volume and tension until the movie’s climax is reached. Similarly, “Braveheart” uses extensive crescendos to create an intense thriller aura. Most directors always use dissonance to establish a hype. The film “Planet of the Apes” used a mix of soothing and disturbing tones to make the audience uncomfortable.

In such a situation, you can use metal scraping with creepy laughter. The process will be concluded with a hint of echo and reverb for a scary vibe. The sound design is yet another way to build fear. The video game known as “Fall Out” used echoing music to leave a creepy impression.

fall out game using suspense music

Part 2: Tips to Better Use Suspense Music to Create Suspenseful Atmosphere to the Film

Are you a filmmaker? Do you own a production house? Or do you wish to create engaging yet horror content?

With the creative industry blooming extensively, the competition between different production houses is enhancing. It is important to stay one step ahead by making correct suspense music. The sub-section recommends some tips to establish an intense atmosphere in the scenes.

Crescendos and False Crescendos

A functional tip to create cinematic suspense is by using crescendos. This suspense music continues to develop until the climax is reached. The intense music is gradually built until a startling scream is heard.

Similarly, the false crescendos come with a twist. Instead of hearing a startling scream or a murder, people hear an uncomfortable silence that reveals nothing. It messes up with the audience big time. Don’t you agree?


Repetition is yet another technique to create a promising suspenseful aura. The same bundle of chords is repeated, establishing a rhythmic tension. A predictable pattern emphasizes the song and storyline. Additionally, the sudden chord change can be incorporated to release the hype or create a new phase.


The sound of two or more inharmonious notes develops a dissonant effect. It makes the audience uncomfortable and sends a creepy vibe down the spine. The process of switching between soothing and mysterious sounds keeps the viewers on edge. The dissonant note pairings are extensively used in horror and video films.


Dynamics is one of the most practiced tricks in the industry to create the needed effect. For starters, the suspense background music is enhanced. The improved pitch takes the audience towards the anticipation of the climax. After that, the chord progression hits the crescendo. The release and silence are a part of the effective dynamics of a movie.

Part 3: 3 Trendy Sites to Download Royalty Free Suspense Music

After the discussion, one understands the need for suspense music to get the task done. But the next question might confuse the beginners. Where to get suspense background music from? Do not worry as we have got you! The part would mention some platforms to access royalty-free suspense music. Let us have a glimpse, shall we?


The first trendy website is Chosic taking the lead in the world. This renowned website changes the search results as needed. Isn’t that the goal? The suspense music includes Sanctuary, The Epic Hero, Misery, Countdown, and Walking Shoes. There are different tags present below the track to refine the process.

The tags include suspense, cinematic, mystery, epic, documentary, horror, dark, and drama. Chosic can be counted upon for music that creates a dynamic sense of stressful feelings. It leads to keeping the audience on edge.

chosic suspense background music


Pixabay is considered the most established platform with various music themes, moods, and genres. Similarly, you can use it to find some phenomenal suspense music that compels the audience to stick to their screens. The advanced use of filters makes the search easy and navigation flawless.

The tags below the tag offer variety and relevancy and limits nuisance. The arrow beside “Download” can be clicked to find significant information. For instance, the number of likes, favorites, and times the track was played.

The song is saved in the system in MP3 format. Moreover, the suspense background music choices are intense and creepy. Examples include Caves of Dawn, Under pressure, Fantasy Epic, Epic Magic, A New Perspective, and Drone.

free suspense music by pixabay


Mixkit has got to be the perfect marketplace of the lot. With more than 37 suspense music sound effects, this promising marketplace presents royalty-free music in great quality. The user can listen to the music, make up their mind, and download it.

Some Mixkit suspense background music examples include Violin Suspense Pass, Reverse Suspense, Cartoon Suspense, Cinematic Suspense Swell, and whatnot.

mixkit free suspense music

Final Thoughts

With the GDP of each industry improving by leaps and bounds, the creative industry is equally blooming. The suspense, mystery, thriller, horror, and dark film genres use suspense music to leave the audience in shock and fear.

Hence, the article focused on the workability of suspense background music and tips to use in the films. The major platform to download the cinematic music was also mentioned for the user’s guide.

02 Tips to Better Use Suspense Music to Create Suspenseful Atmosphere to the Film

03 3 Trendy Sites to Download Royalty Free Suspense Music

Part 1: How Does Suspense Music Work in Film?

It is crucial to understand how suspense music works in the film, especially for beginners. Most movie makers do not know how to build the tension and drop it. The carefully planned dynamics are your way to great mystery output.

The dynamics of the intense music are used to lower the volume and then burst out the music and reveal the big secret. A perfect balance between tension and revulsion creates a more powerful storyline and impacts the audience.

The first factor, tension, is always built slowly and steadily. The suspense background music is deployed in such a situation. Revulsion, on the other hand, is the next moment. It is when the monster is out of the closet. It is the revelation of the big secret of the movie. If tension is the suspenseful music, the revulsion is where horror music comes over.

The right balance between the two soundtracks will mark the success of your upcoming thriller. If the tension lasts longer, the audience breaks it on their own. It often occurs through a joke or breaking silence. Similarly, if the revulsion cues in soon, there is not enough time to build the fear.

suspense scene

For instance, the Main Theme from “Gravity” establishes volume and tension until the movie’s climax is reached. Similarly, “Braveheart” uses extensive crescendos to create an intense thriller aura. Most directors always use dissonance to establish a hype. The film “Planet of the Apes” used a mix of soothing and disturbing tones to make the audience uncomfortable.

In such a situation, you can use metal scraping with creepy laughter. The process will be concluded with a hint of echo and reverb for a scary vibe. The sound design is yet another way to build fear. The video game known as “Fall Out” used echoing music to leave a creepy impression.

fall out game using suspense music

Part 2: Tips to Better Use Suspense Music to Create Suspenseful Atmosphere to the Film

Are you a filmmaker? Do you own a production house? Or do you wish to create engaging yet horror content?

With the creative industry blooming extensively, the competition between different production houses is enhancing. It is important to stay one step ahead by making correct suspense music. The sub-section recommends some tips to establish an intense atmosphere in the scenes.

Crescendos and False Crescendos

A functional tip to create cinematic suspense is by using crescendos. This suspense music continues to develop until the climax is reached. The intense music is gradually built until a startling scream is heard.

Similarly, the false crescendos come with a twist. Instead of hearing a startling scream or a murder, people hear an uncomfortable silence that reveals nothing. It messes up with the audience big time. Don’t you agree?


Repetition is yet another technique to create a promising suspenseful aura. The same bundle of chords is repeated, establishing a rhythmic tension. A predictable pattern emphasizes the song and storyline. Additionally, the sudden chord change can be incorporated to release the hype or create a new phase.


The sound of two or more inharmonious notes develops a dissonant effect. It makes the audience uncomfortable and sends a creepy vibe down the spine. The process of switching between soothing and mysterious sounds keeps the viewers on edge. The dissonant note pairings are extensively used in horror and video films.


Dynamics is one of the most practiced tricks in the industry to create the needed effect. For starters, the suspense background music is enhanced. The improved pitch takes the audience towards the anticipation of the climax. After that, the chord progression hits the crescendo. The release and silence are a part of the effective dynamics of a movie.

Part 3: 3 Trendy Sites to Download Royalty Free Suspense Music

After the discussion, one understands the need for suspense music to get the task done. But the next question might confuse the beginners. Where to get suspense background music from? Do not worry as we have got you! The part would mention some platforms to access royalty-free suspense music. Let us have a glimpse, shall we?


The first trendy website is Chosic taking the lead in the world. This renowned website changes the search results as needed. Isn’t that the goal? The suspense music includes Sanctuary, The Epic Hero, Misery, Countdown, and Walking Shoes. There are different tags present below the track to refine the process.

The tags include suspense, cinematic, mystery, epic, documentary, horror, dark, and drama. Chosic can be counted upon for music that creates a dynamic sense of stressful feelings. It leads to keeping the audience on edge.

chosic suspense background music


Pixabay is considered the most established platform with various music themes, moods, and genres. Similarly, you can use it to find some phenomenal suspense music that compels the audience to stick to their screens. The advanced use of filters makes the search easy and navigation flawless.

The tags below the tag offer variety and relevancy and limits nuisance. The arrow beside “Download” can be clicked to find significant information. For instance, the number of likes, favorites, and times the track was played.

The song is saved in the system in MP3 format. Moreover, the suspense background music choices are intense and creepy. Examples include Caves of Dawn, Under pressure, Fantasy Epic, Epic Magic, A New Perspective, and Drone.

free suspense music by pixabay


Mixkit has got to be the perfect marketplace of the lot. With more than 37 suspense music sound effects, this promising marketplace presents royalty-free music in great quality. The user can listen to the music, make up their mind, and download it.

Some Mixkit suspense background music examples include Violin Suspense Pass, Reverse Suspense, Cartoon Suspense, Cinematic Suspense Swell, and whatnot.

mixkit free suspense music

Final Thoughts

With the GDP of each industry improving by leaps and bounds, the creative industry is equally blooming. The suspense, mystery, thriller, horror, and dark film genres use suspense music to leave the audience in shock and fear.

Hence, the article focused on the workability of suspense background music and tips to use in the films. The major platform to download the cinematic music was also mentioned for the user’s guide.

02 Tips to Better Use Suspense Music to Create Suspenseful Atmosphere to the Film

03 3 Trendy Sites to Download Royalty Free Suspense Music

Part 1: How Does Suspense Music Work in Film?

It is crucial to understand how suspense music works in the film, especially for beginners. Most movie makers do not know how to build the tension and drop it. The carefully planned dynamics are your way to great mystery output.

The dynamics of the intense music are used to lower the volume and then burst out the music and reveal the big secret. A perfect balance between tension and revulsion creates a more powerful storyline and impacts the audience.

The first factor, tension, is always built slowly and steadily. The suspense background music is deployed in such a situation. Revulsion, on the other hand, is the next moment. It is when the monster is out of the closet. It is the revelation of the big secret of the movie. If tension is the suspenseful music, the revulsion is where horror music comes over.

The right balance between the two soundtracks will mark the success of your upcoming thriller. If the tension lasts longer, the audience breaks it on their own. It often occurs through a joke or breaking silence. Similarly, if the revulsion cues in soon, there is not enough time to build the fear.

suspense scene

For instance, the Main Theme from “Gravity” establishes volume and tension until the movie’s climax is reached. Similarly, “Braveheart” uses extensive crescendos to create an intense thriller aura. Most directors always use dissonance to establish a hype. The film “Planet of the Apes” used a mix of soothing and disturbing tones to make the audience uncomfortable.

In such a situation, you can use metal scraping with creepy laughter. The process will be concluded with a hint of echo and reverb for a scary vibe. The sound design is yet another way to build fear. The video game known as “Fall Out” used echoing music to leave a creepy impression.

fall out game using suspense music

Part 2: Tips to Better Use Suspense Music to Create Suspenseful Atmosphere to the Film

Are you a filmmaker? Do you own a production house? Or do you wish to create engaging yet horror content?

With the creative industry blooming extensively, the competition between different production houses is enhancing. It is important to stay one step ahead by making correct suspense music. The sub-section recommends some tips to establish an intense atmosphere in the scenes.

Crescendos and False Crescendos

A functional tip to create cinematic suspense is by using crescendos. This suspense music continues to develop until the climax is reached. The intense music is gradually built until a startling scream is heard.

Similarly, the false crescendos come with a twist. Instead of hearing a startling scream or a murder, people hear an uncomfortable silence that reveals nothing. It messes up with the audience big time. Don’t you agree?


Repetition is yet another technique to create a promising suspenseful aura. The same bundle of chords is repeated, establishing a rhythmic tension. A predictable pattern emphasizes the song and storyline. Additionally, the sudden chord change can be incorporated to release the hype or create a new phase.


The sound of two or more inharmonious notes develops a dissonant effect. It makes the audience uncomfortable and sends a creepy vibe down the spine. The process of switching between soothing and mysterious sounds keeps the viewers on edge. The dissonant note pairings are extensively used in horror and video films.


Dynamics is one of the most practiced tricks in the industry to create the needed effect. For starters, the suspense background music is enhanced. The improved pitch takes the audience towards the anticipation of the climax. After that, the chord progression hits the crescendo. The release and silence are a part of the effective dynamics of a movie.

Part 3: 3 Trendy Sites to Download Royalty Free Suspense Music

After the discussion, one understands the need for suspense music to get the task done. But the next question might confuse the beginners. Where to get suspense background music from? Do not worry as we have got you! The part would mention some platforms to access royalty-free suspense music. Let us have a glimpse, shall we?


The first trendy website is Chosic taking the lead in the world. This renowned website changes the search results as needed. Isn’t that the goal? The suspense music includes Sanctuary, The Epic Hero, Misery, Countdown, and Walking Shoes. There are different tags present below the track to refine the process.

The tags include suspense, cinematic, mystery, epic, documentary, horror, dark, and drama. Chosic can be counted upon for music that creates a dynamic sense of stressful feelings. It leads to keeping the audience on edge.

chosic suspense background music


Pixabay is considered the most established platform with various music themes, moods, and genres. Similarly, you can use it to find some phenomenal suspense music that compels the audience to stick to their screens. The advanced use of filters makes the search easy and navigation flawless.

The tags below the tag offer variety and relevancy and limits nuisance. The arrow beside “Download” can be clicked to find significant information. For instance, the number of likes, favorites, and times the track was played.

The song is saved in the system in MP3 format. Moreover, the suspense background music choices are intense and creepy. Examples include Caves of Dawn, Under pressure, Fantasy Epic, Epic Magic, A New Perspective, and Drone.

free suspense music by pixabay


Mixkit has got to be the perfect marketplace of the lot. With more than 37 suspense music sound effects, this promising marketplace presents royalty-free music in great quality. The user can listen to the music, make up their mind, and download it.

Some Mixkit suspense background music examples include Violin Suspense Pass, Reverse Suspense, Cartoon Suspense, Cinematic Suspense Swell, and whatnot.

mixkit free suspense music

Final Thoughts

With the GDP of each industry improving by leaps and bounds, the creative industry is equally blooming. The suspense, mystery, thriller, horror, and dark film genres use suspense music to leave the audience in shock and fear.

Hence, the article focused on the workability of suspense background music and tips to use in the films. The major platform to download the cinematic music was also mentioned for the user’s guide.

02 Tips to Better Use Suspense Music to Create Suspenseful Atmosphere to the Film

03 3 Trendy Sites to Download Royalty Free Suspense Music

Part 1: How Does Suspense Music Work in Film?

It is crucial to understand how suspense music works in the film, especially for beginners. Most movie makers do not know how to build the tension and drop it. The carefully planned dynamics are your way to great mystery output.

The dynamics of the intense music are used to lower the volume and then burst out the music and reveal the big secret. A perfect balance between tension and revulsion creates a more powerful storyline and impacts the audience.

The first factor, tension, is always built slowly and steadily. The suspense background music is deployed in such a situation. Revulsion, on the other hand, is the next moment. It is when the monster is out of the closet. It is the revelation of the big secret of the movie. If tension is the suspenseful music, the revulsion is where horror music comes over.

The right balance between the two soundtracks will mark the success of your upcoming thriller. If the tension lasts longer, the audience breaks it on their own. It often occurs through a joke or breaking silence. Similarly, if the revulsion cues in soon, there is not enough time to build the fear.

suspense scene

For instance, the Main Theme from “Gravity” establishes volume and tension until the movie’s climax is reached. Similarly, “Braveheart” uses extensive crescendos to create an intense thriller aura. Most directors always use dissonance to establish a hype. The film “Planet of the Apes” used a mix of soothing and disturbing tones to make the audience uncomfortable.

In such a situation, you can use metal scraping with creepy laughter. The process will be concluded with a hint of echo and reverb for a scary vibe. The sound design is yet another way to build fear. The video game known as “Fall Out” used echoing music to leave a creepy impression.

fall out game using suspense music

Part 2: Tips to Better Use Suspense Music to Create Suspenseful Atmosphere to the Film

Are you a filmmaker? Do you own a production house? Or do you wish to create engaging yet horror content?

With the creative industry blooming extensively, the competition between different production houses is enhancing. It is important to stay one step ahead by making correct suspense music. The sub-section recommends some tips to establish an intense atmosphere in the scenes.

Crescendos and False Crescendos

A functional tip to create cinematic suspense is by using crescendos. This suspense music continues to develop until the climax is reached. The intense music is gradually built until a startling scream is heard.

Similarly, the false crescendos come with a twist. Instead of hearing a startling scream or a murder, people hear an uncomfortable silence that reveals nothing. It messes up with the audience big time. Don’t you agree?


Repetition is yet another technique to create a promising suspenseful aura. The same bundle of chords is repeated, establishing a rhythmic tension. A predictable pattern emphasizes the song and storyline. Additionally, the sudden chord change can be incorporated to release the hype or create a new phase.


The sound of two or more inharmonious notes develops a dissonant effect. It makes the audience uncomfortable and sends a creepy vibe down the spine. The process of switching between soothing and mysterious sounds keeps the viewers on edge. The dissonant note pairings are extensively used in horror and video films.


Dynamics is one of the most practiced tricks in the industry to create the needed effect. For starters, the suspense background music is enhanced. The improved pitch takes the audience towards the anticipation of the climax. After that, the chord progression hits the crescendo. The release and silence are a part of the effective dynamics of a movie.

Part 3: 3 Trendy Sites to Download Royalty Free Suspense Music

After the discussion, one understands the need for suspense music to get the task done. But the next question might confuse the beginners. Where to get suspense background music from? Do not worry as we have got you! The part would mention some platforms to access royalty-free suspense music. Let us have a glimpse, shall we?


The first trendy website is Chosic taking the lead in the world. This renowned website changes the search results as needed. Isn’t that the goal? The suspense music includes Sanctuary, The Epic Hero, Misery, Countdown, and Walking Shoes. There are different tags present below the track to refine the process.

The tags include suspense, cinematic, mystery, epic, documentary, horror, dark, and drama. Chosic can be counted upon for music that creates a dynamic sense of stressful feelings. It leads to keeping the audience on edge.

chosic suspense background music


Pixabay is considered the most established platform with various music themes, moods, and genres. Similarly, you can use it to find some phenomenal suspense music that compels the audience to stick to their screens. The advanced use of filters makes the search easy and navigation flawless.

The tags below the tag offer variety and relevancy and limits nuisance. The arrow beside “Download” can be clicked to find significant information. For instance, the number of likes, favorites, and times the track was played.

The song is saved in the system in MP3 format. Moreover, the suspense background music choices are intense and creepy. Examples include Caves of Dawn, Under pressure, Fantasy Epic, Epic Magic, A New Perspective, and Drone.

free suspense music by pixabay


Mixkit has got to be the perfect marketplace of the lot. With more than 37 suspense music sound effects, this promising marketplace presents royalty-free music in great quality. The user can listen to the music, make up their mind, and download it.

Some Mixkit suspense background music examples include Violin Suspense Pass, Reverse Suspense, Cartoon Suspense, Cinematic Suspense Swell, and whatnot.

mixkit free suspense music

Final Thoughts

With the GDP of each industry improving by leaps and bounds, the creative industry is equally blooming. The suspense, mystery, thriller, horror, and dark film genres use suspense music to leave the audience in shock and fear.

Hence, the article focused on the workability of suspense background music and tips to use in the films. The major platform to download the cinematic music was also mentioned for the user’s guide.

The Premier Selection of Zero-Cost Sound Balancers

When you are listening to music, or to podcast, or some other type of audio files, would it make it enjoyable if the volume was so low at some point that you couldn’t understand anything? Now add another possibility to this very unpleasant imagination – what if the volume was so high at another point that your ears can’t handle it? – Of course, you would stop listening, and you would also not think high of the creator of this content. In other words, this will become the reason why this creator might lose their audiences. Well, sad story for the creator, isn’t it? And, what if YOU were the creator? A little laziness or a failure in paying attention to detail and your content goes to waste!

So, what is the solution? Of course, a little editing! Even if your voice doesn’t sound like it’s worth listening, you can make it happen by normalizing the volume. This actually is the process when a constant amount of gain is applied to the audio recording, bringing the amplitude to a desirable level, which is “the norm” for the project. When this tool is applied to the volume, the whole recording has the same amount of gain across it, every piece is affected the same way, and the relative dynamics are not changed.

With this tool, you have an extra guarantor that people will want to convert to being loyal subscribers, viewers and listeners, because simply, their user experience is now favored, they enjoy a good, edited content.

Actually, we might use audio normalizing when we need to get the maximum volume, but another reason is is when we need to match different volumes.

As in most cases, there is not only one type of audio normalization, so let’s explain what each of them represents: one is a so-called peak normalization, helping adjust the recording based on the highest signal level present in the recording; another is called loudness normalization and it adjusts the recording based on perceived loudness. RMS (Root-Mean-Square), changes the value of all the samples, where their average electrical volume overall is a specified level.

With this knowledge in mind, let’s now move to the topic we are going to cover in this article: let’s discuss 5 best free MP3 volume normalizers. Knowing about them will save you time and equip you with the right ways so that when you are going to need audio normalization, you will choose one of them, bypass exhausting process of the research, and find the free, easy-to-use programs that will help you master your sounds!

So, we chose the following programs as 5 best free MP3 normalizers: Wondershare Filmora X, Adobe Premiere Pro, VLC Media Player, MP3 Gain and Movavi.

Wondershare Filmora X

Now, even though we already know how to normalize audio in VLC in the simplest, as well as in the more advanced way, it might be even better if we know some more about normalizing audios in different programs. Something worth discussing is a software called Wondershare Filmora X , which carries out the same task wonderfully. Although, unlike VLC Media Player, it is a real video editor, but don’t panic if you have never laid your hand on editing – it is one of the easiest to use ini the word, operating also both on Mac and Windows, and its interface is utterly understandable for beginners right away. And, actually, it is a qhile that Wondershare Filmora X introduced the feature to normalize the audio for the first time. What to say more - you might want to stop now and download the latest version of Filmora X because now we are about to learn how to normalize audio from the video there – so, tune in!

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

When it is done installing, open the software. Now, click and drag the video of which the audio you want to normalize. Now you can select the clip you have chosen – if there are multiple, select all of them, then right-click and choose Detach Audio.

wondershare filmora x

Now if you have this kind of graphic before your eyes, you can be pretty sure without even listening, that the noises are really, really different from each other, which highlights once again how useful audio normalization can be:

noises are different from each other

Select these files, right-click and choose Adjust Audio. New panel will be opened on left top and there, you will see Audio Normalization – check the box there.

select files

choose adjust audio

After you have clicked on it, wait until the normalization completes.

complete normalization

Soon, all audio will be normalized, and you will already be able to see on the graphics that the volumes are almost on the same level and when you listen to it, you will make sure that there is no longer apparent difference between how they sound. And from there on, you can save the file you just normalized!

Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is the industry-leading video editing software, and it is a timeline-based. Premiere Pro always tries to make its use easier and easier, as new features are rolling out regularly to simplify steps and save time. The very same can be said about normalizing audio files, which is actually pretty easy once mastered in a very short time. That is actually why it used by beginners and professionals alike.

To normalize audio Adobe Premiere Pro, first, import your MP3 there. In the timeline, you will see your files in the sequence, in the sound section. Now, the best way to work on them is increase the track height – for that, you need to double-click on the empty space there, next to the little microphone icon.

import mp3

increase track height

Now, the track is high, and you can see more of your track. So, say that one of your MP3’s seems very loud, and another is much quieter. Speaking of the loud one, if you can see on the right that there is some red light, it is not a good sign – meaning that audio went above zero (so-called clipping), so you need to avoid it.

avoid clipping

(If you can not see your audio meters, just go to Window menu and choose Audio Meters).

So, here, our goal is to bring our audio clips around -3 – and for it, it’s possible to bring up and down the white line on the track, but it can be pretty time-consuming actually.

bring audio clips around-3

So a better way to do it would be next: click on the track and then right-click, find Audio Gain, and choose Normalize Max Peak to…:

click on track

Max Peak is basically the loudest, highest peak in the audio clip. So, you can write in -3 and click OK, which will ensure the entire audio waveform will have the gain of it adjusted so that the max peak is at -3. You can proceed to the next track and carry out the exact same process on it too. Then, on Audio Meters on the right again, you will be able to see that both tracks (or more, if you have them) peak at -3. In case you have a lot of clips on the timeline, you can select them all, then go to Audio Gain and normalize all of their max peaks simultaneously, which will save you so much time and help you enormously!

VLC Media Player

VLC is a well-known media player, it is a free-to-use, robust, and feature-packed software that plays a wide range of audio, image, and video files. It is worth noting that it can also play multimedia files directly from extractable devices or the PC and can stream from the most successful websites such as Disney+, Hulu, Netflix, and so on.

But there is another magic a simple media player can actually do - we can also normalize volume in VLC Media Player. It is a very handy feature and it works on Windows as well as on Mac. It is very simple, so follow these steps:

You need to have VLC Media Player installed on your device. Once you have it installed, open VLC. Go to the Tools and Preferences and there, check the single box which is next to Normalize volume in Effects. Now, set the level to the one that works best for you. Then, when you are happy with the result, click on Save.

What VLC does is just let adjust the general volume, leaving the specifics out of our control.


If you are not so satisfied with the simple editing and want a little more to get from the editing process on VLC, you can do more with the Audio Effects menu:

Find Tools and in the menu, go to Preferences. The window will open, and you need to select All in Show settings – on the bottom left corner of the window. Then, navigate to Audio, and a little below, click on Filters and highlight it. You also need to check the checkbox next to the Dynamic range compressor.

get more editing on vlc

In the left panel, find Compressor and select it. From now, you can make the changes to the levels as you wish.

find and select compressor

Here, concentrate the most on Makeup gain, Threshold, and Ratio. The first one is by which you adjust in quiet sequences to raise the volume, the second will help you reduce louder sequences to even things out, and ratio is the maximum level of all audio within a movie, let’s say.

Attack time and release time can also be very helpful. You can play around with them set them to your liking, and see if it’s better sounding, because actually this will ensure that you have a fluid transition in and out of the scene and there are less sudden, unexpected volume changes.


MP3Gain is actually the only one in this list which is developed exactly for the task we are discussing in this article. It is an audio normalization software tool. The tool is available on multiple platforms and is free software. It analyzes the MP3 and reversibly changes its volume. The volume can be adjusted for single files or as album where all files would have the same perceived loudness. When applying the tool, there is no quality lost in the change because the program adjusts the mp3 file directly, without decoding and re-encoding.

So, to use this software, go and download MP3Gain. Install and open it when it is ready. You will see that your program is absolutely empty and it has a lot of space inside, waiting for you to upload some file(s)…


Now, you can either choose adding files manually, with you choosing each of them, but let’s say you have an album (which would be more comfortable, needless to say) in which you want to change the volume of all MP3’s. So, in this case, you can choose Add Folder, and when the window opens, choose the folder full of your MP3’s – all your files will be added in the program.

choose to add files

Now, find the Target “Normal” Volume above the files, and fill in the gap, if you will, or just use default dB. Then, click Album Analysis, and the process will start.

find and target normal

The software will show you the volume of each of the file, and then you will need to just click on Track Gain.

click on track gain

Now, wait for the process to be completed, and then you will see that the volumes changed for each of your files – so, it’s done!

volumes changed for each files


Powerful multimedia software for creating and editing videos – this is Movavi. It packs lots of video and audio editing power into a simple interface. On their official web-site, the program is described as: “An all-in-one video maker: an editor, converter, screen recorder, and more. Perfect for remote work and distance learning.” So, you can go and download the program, and learn audio normalization there very easily!

Install and open the program and then proceed directly to Adding Files. After having chosen your file, you drag and drop it in the timeline sequence.

install and open program

If the audio is uneven, now double-click on the audio track, which will open the Clip Properties window. You will see the Normalize box, which you need to check. Doing this will even out the sound level for the whole track.

double click on audio track

To save the result, click Export, choose the format, folder and name for your file, and then click Start, so your file can be exported.

So, it’s done – now you know a whole lot more about audio normalization, its types, why and when should we use it, and which are the 5 best free MP3 normalizers, along with the detailed guidelines on how to work with those tools to have your desired results. Let’s hope that you will be able to choose from Wondershare Filmora X, Adobe Premiere Pro, VLC Media Player, MP3 Gain and Movavi, and make your user experience so wonderful, and shareable!

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

When it is done installing, open the software. Now, click and drag the video of which the audio you want to normalize. Now you can select the clip you have chosen – if there are multiple, select all of them, then right-click and choose Detach Audio.

wondershare filmora x

Now if you have this kind of graphic before your eyes, you can be pretty sure without even listening, that the noises are really, really different from each other, which highlights once again how useful audio normalization can be:

noises are different from each other

Select these files, right-click and choose Adjust Audio. New panel will be opened on left top and there, you will see Audio Normalization – check the box there.

select files

choose adjust audio

After you have clicked on it, wait until the normalization completes.

complete normalization

Soon, all audio will be normalized, and you will already be able to see on the graphics that the volumes are almost on the same level and when you listen to it, you will make sure that there is no longer apparent difference between how they sound. And from there on, you can save the file you just normalized!

Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is the industry-leading video editing software, and it is a timeline-based. Premiere Pro always tries to make its use easier and easier, as new features are rolling out regularly to simplify steps and save time. The very same can be said about normalizing audio files, which is actually pretty easy once mastered in a very short time. That is actually why it used by beginners and professionals alike.

To normalize audio Adobe Premiere Pro, first, import your MP3 there. In the timeline, you will see your files in the sequence, in the sound section. Now, the best way to work on them is increase the track height – for that, you need to double-click on the empty space there, next to the little microphone icon.

import mp3

increase track height

Now, the track is high, and you can see more of your track. So, say that one of your MP3’s seems very loud, and another is much quieter. Speaking of the loud one, if you can see on the right that there is some red light, it is not a good sign – meaning that audio went above zero (so-called clipping), so you need to avoid it.

avoid clipping

(If you can not see your audio meters, just go to Window menu and choose Audio Meters).

So, here, our goal is to bring our audio clips around -3 – and for it, it’s possible to bring up and down the white line on the track, but it can be pretty time-consuming actually.

bring audio clips around-3

So a better way to do it would be next: click on the track and then right-click, find Audio Gain, and choose Normalize Max Peak to…:

click on track

Max Peak is basically the loudest, highest peak in the audio clip. So, you can write in -3 and click OK, which will ensure the entire audio waveform will have the gain of it adjusted so that the max peak is at -3. You can proceed to the next track and carry out the exact same process on it too. Then, on Audio Meters on the right again, you will be able to see that both tracks (or more, if you have them) peak at -3. In case you have a lot of clips on the timeline, you can select them all, then go to Audio Gain and normalize all of their max peaks simultaneously, which will save you so much time and help you enormously!

VLC Media Player

VLC is a well-known media player, it is a free-to-use, robust, and feature-packed software that plays a wide range of audio, image, and video files. It is worth noting that it can also play multimedia files directly from extractable devices or the PC and can stream from the most successful websites such as Disney+, Hulu, Netflix, and so on.

But there is another magic a simple media player can actually do - we can also normalize volume in VLC Media Player. It is a very handy feature and it works on Windows as well as on Mac. It is very simple, so follow these steps:

You need to have VLC Media Player installed on your device. Once you have it installed, open VLC. Go to the Tools and Preferences and there, check the single box which is next to Normalize volume in Effects. Now, set the level to the one that works best for you. Then, when you are happy with the result, click on Save.

What VLC does is just let adjust the general volume, leaving the specifics out of our control.


If you are not so satisfied with the simple editing and want a little more to get from the editing process on VLC, you can do more with the Audio Effects menu:

Find Tools and in the menu, go to Preferences. The window will open, and you need to select All in Show settings – on the bottom left corner of the window. Then, navigate to Audio, and a little below, click on Filters and highlight it. You also need to check the checkbox next to the Dynamic range compressor.

get more editing on vlc

In the left panel, find Compressor and select it. From now, you can make the changes to the levels as you wish.

find and select compressor

Here, concentrate the most on Makeup gain, Threshold, and Ratio. The first one is by which you adjust in quiet sequences to raise the volume, the second will help you reduce louder sequences to even things out, and ratio is the maximum level of all audio within a movie, let’s say.

Attack time and release time can also be very helpful. You can play around with them set them to your liking, and see if it’s better sounding, because actually this will ensure that you have a fluid transition in and out of the scene and there are less sudden, unexpected volume changes.


MP3Gain is actually the only one in this list which is developed exactly for the task we are discussing in this article. It is an audio normalization software tool. The tool is available on multiple platforms and is free software. It analyzes the MP3 and reversibly changes its volume. The volume can be adjusted for single files or as album where all files would have the same perceived loudness. When applying the tool, there is no quality lost in the change because the program adjusts the mp3 file directly, without decoding and re-encoding.

So, to use this software, go and download MP3Gain. Install and open it when it is ready. You will see that your program is absolutely empty and it has a lot of space inside, waiting for you to upload some file(s)…


Now, you can either choose adding files manually, with you choosing each of them, but let’s say you have an album (which would be more comfortable, needless to say) in which you want to change the volume of all MP3’s. So, in this case, you can choose Add Folder, and when the window opens, choose the folder full of your MP3’s – all your files will be added in the program.

choose to add files

Now, find the Target “Normal” Volume above the files, and fill in the gap, if you will, or just use default dB. Then, click Album Analysis, and the process will start.

find and target normal

The software will show you the volume of each of the file, and then you will need to just click on Track Gain.

click on track gain

Now, wait for the process to be completed, and then you will see that the volumes changed for each of your files – so, it’s done!

volumes changed for each files


Powerful multimedia software for creating and editing videos – this is Movavi. It packs lots of video and audio editing power into a simple interface. On their official web-site, the program is described as: “An all-in-one video maker: an editor, converter, screen recorder, and more. Perfect for remote work and distance learning.” So, you can go and download the program, and learn audio normalization there very easily!

Install and open the program and then proceed directly to Adding Files. After having chosen your file, you drag and drop it in the timeline sequence.

install and open program

If the audio is uneven, now double-click on the audio track, which will open the Clip Properties window. You will see the Normalize box, which you need to check. Doing this will even out the sound level for the whole track.

double click on audio track

To save the result, click Export, choose the format, folder and name for your file, and then click Start, so your file can be exported.

So, it’s done – now you know a whole lot more about audio normalization, its types, why and when should we use it, and which are the 5 best free MP3 normalizers, along with the detailed guidelines on how to work with those tools to have your desired results. Let’s hope that you will be able to choose from Wondershare Filmora X, Adobe Premiere Pro, VLC Media Player, MP3 Gain and Movavi, and make your user experience so wonderful, and shareable!

Unlocking Real-Time Voice Manipulation: Top 6 Application Choices

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We get overwhelmed with routine tasks we have to perform in our daily lives and forget how important it is to laugh. A prank call can be a great way to remind your friends and family that life without humor is empty.

Fortunately, all you need is a good prank call idea and an app that enables you to modulate your voice during the call. However, finding a voice changer app that can alter voices in real time can be daunting. That is why in this article we are going to take you through some of the best real time voice changer apps you can find on Google Play and App Store.

Best Real-Time Voice Changer Apps for iPhone and Android

Before you decide to start recording your calls or pull pranks over the phone, you must first make sure that doing that is in accordance with the law. So, here are some apps for iPhone and Android devices that will let you do that. If you can’t get in trouble for prank calling, you should find the voice changer app that enables you to get creative with your jokes.

Change Audio in Filmora Editor with Fun

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iOS Android

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1. Live Voice Changer – Prankcall

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases


real-time voice changer: live voice changer - prankcall

The modern and intuitive design makes the voice changer an attractive option for all iPhone users in need of an app that allows them to modulate their voices freely. In addition to 11 voice effects that enable you to sound like the opposite gender or even Dart Vader, this app also features a 12-band equalizer that lets you fine-tune each effect you apply to your voice. However, if you want to gain access to the app’s live voice changing features, you have to make an in-app purchase. Moreover, the free version of the app doesn’t include any of the voice recording options you can use if you purchase the full version of Live Voice Changer – Prankcall.

2. Voicemod – Voice Changer & FX



Real-time voice changer: voicemod - voice changer & FX

It is a lot of fun to sound like somebody else during your gaming sessions. Voicemod – Voice Changer & FX lets you choose from more than forty different voices that can be applied in real time. In addition to modulating voices, this app can also be used to add face filters during video calls, which can make conversations you’re having with your friends much more entertaining. All videos you capture with Voicemod – Voice Changer & FX can be shared on social media directly from the app, but keep in mind that you won’t be able to edit any of the audio and video effects this app offers.

3. Funcall – Voice Changer & Rec

**Price:**Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility:iOS , Android

Real-time voice changer: funcalls - voice changer & call recording

If you are searching for an app that enables you to make international calls to landlines and cellphones, then Funcall – Voice Changer& Rec is the right choice for you. You can make calls to more than 150 countries around the globe at low prices, enabling you to keep in touch with your friends wherever they are. Furthermore, this cross-platform app lets you choose from real time voice effects like Helium balloon, Woman or Man sound. Each call you make with Funcall can be recorded and downloaded to your device so that you can listen to it or share it with your friends on social media.

4. Another Voice Changer (° O °)



Real-time Voice changer: Another Voice Changer (° O °)

Voice messages seem to be out of fashion. Another Voice Changer can help you create voice messages that are fun to listen to. Voice effects like Baby, Ghost, Party Time or Sleepyhead are just a few among numerous options you will have at your disposal if you choose to install this app on your iPhone or iPad. What’s more, you can also create voice memes with Another Voice Changer or browse through the most popular voice messages community members share on this platform. The lack of audio editing options is the only true downside this app has.

5. Call Voice Changer – IntCall

**Price:**Free, but offers in-app purchases


Real-time voice changer: call voice changer - intcall

Making the conversations, you have with your friends more entertaining won’t be too difficult if you choose to install this app. Call Voice Changer – IntCall lets you alter your voice while the call is in progress and even change the effect in real time. Besides modulating your voice, you can also use sound effects that include greetings in different languages or birthday songs throughout the call. Even though all new users of Call Voice Changer - IntCall get some free minutes, you will have to pay for each minute of the calls you make with this app. The monthly subscription to this app is not available in all regions of the world, so choosing the pay as you go option is a better solution.

6. MagicCall – Voice Changer App

**Price:**Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility:iOS , Android

Real-time voice changer: magiccall – voice changer app

Have you ever wondered how your voice would sound if you were a kid? With MagicaCall –Voice Changer App, you easily find out since the app lets you modulate your voice or switch between different voice options during a call. Moreover, you can test how your voice will sound before you make the call so that you can plan your prank perfectly. You can also play sound emoticons like a kiss or a clap while the call is in progress to create a comical effect. There are several subscription options available, and you must select one if you want to have access to all of the app’s features.

How to modulate a voice during a call?

You will have to take the exact steps to modulate your voice during a call depending on the voice changer application you installed on your device. Most of these applications offer preset voices you can apply with a single tap and let you switch between effects so your representative can sound differently during the same conversation.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

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Try AI Voice Changer

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try AI Voice Changer

For macOS 10.12 or later

iOS Android

Try It Free >>

We get overwhelmed with routine tasks we have to perform in our daily lives and forget how important it is to laugh. A prank call can be a great way to remind your friends and family that life without humor is empty.

Fortunately, all you need is a good prank call idea and an app that enables you to modulate your voice during the call. However, finding a voice changer app that can alter voices in real time can be daunting. That is why in this article we are going to take you through some of the best real time voice changer apps you can find on Google Play and App Store.

Best Real-Time Voice Changer Apps for iPhone and Android

Before you decide to start recording your calls or pull pranks over the phone, you must first make sure that doing that is in accordance with the law. So, here are some apps for iPhone and Android devices that will let you do that. If you can’t get in trouble for prank calling, you should find the voice changer app that enables you to get creative with your jokes.

Change Audio in Filmora Editor with Fun

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For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later

iOS Android

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1. Live Voice Changer – Prankcall

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases


real-time voice changer: live voice changer - prankcall

The modern and intuitive design makes the voice changer an attractive option for all iPhone users in need of an app that allows them to modulate their voices freely. In addition to 11 voice effects that enable you to sound like the opposite gender or even Dart Vader, this app also features a 12-band equalizer that lets you fine-tune each effect you apply to your voice. However, if you want to gain access to the app’s live voice changing features, you have to make an in-app purchase. Moreover, the free version of the app doesn’t include any of the voice recording options you can use if you purchase the full version of Live Voice Changer – Prankcall.

2. Voicemod – Voice Changer & FX



Real-time voice changer: voicemod - voice changer & FX

It is a lot of fun to sound like somebody else during your gaming sessions. Voicemod – Voice Changer & FX lets you choose from more than forty different voices that can be applied in real time. In addition to modulating voices, this app can also be used to add face filters during video calls, which can make conversations you’re having with your friends much more entertaining. All videos you capture with Voicemod – Voice Changer & FX can be shared on social media directly from the app, but keep in mind that you won’t be able to edit any of the audio and video effects this app offers.

3. Funcall – Voice Changer & Rec

**Price:**Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility:iOS , Android

Real-time voice changer: funcalls - voice changer & call recording

If you are searching for an app that enables you to make international calls to landlines and cellphones, then Funcall – Voice Changer& Rec is the right choice for you. You can make calls to more than 150 countries around the globe at low prices, enabling you to keep in touch with your friends wherever they are. Furthermore, this cross-platform app lets you choose from real time voice effects like Helium balloon, Woman or Man sound. Each call you make with Funcall can be recorded and downloaded to your device so that you can listen to it or share it with your friends on social media.

4. Another Voice Changer (° O °)



Real-time Voice changer: Another Voice Changer (° O °)

Voice messages seem to be out of fashion. Another Voice Changer can help you create voice messages that are fun to listen to. Voice effects like Baby, Ghost, Party Time or Sleepyhead are just a few among numerous options you will have at your disposal if you choose to install this app on your iPhone or iPad. What’s more, you can also create voice memes with Another Voice Changer or browse through the most popular voice messages community members share on this platform. The lack of audio editing options is the only true downside this app has.

5. Call Voice Changer – IntCall

**Price:**Free, but offers in-app purchases


Real-time voice changer: call voice changer - intcall

Making the conversations, you have with your friends more entertaining won’t be too difficult if you choose to install this app. Call Voice Changer – IntCall lets you alter your voice while the call is in progress and even change the effect in real time. Besides modulating your voice, you can also use sound effects that include greetings in different languages or birthday songs throughout the call. Even though all new users of Call Voice Changer - IntCall get some free minutes, you will have to pay for each minute of the calls you make with this app. The monthly subscription to this app is not available in all regions of the world, so choosing the pay as you go option is a better solution.

6. MagicCall – Voice Changer App

**Price:**Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility:iOS , Android

Real-time voice changer: magiccall – voice changer app

Have you ever wondered how your voice would sound if you were a kid? With MagicaCall –Voice Changer App, you easily find out since the app lets you modulate your voice or switch between different voice options during a call. Moreover, you can test how your voice will sound before you make the call so that you can plan your prank perfectly. You can also play sound emoticons like a kiss or a clap while the call is in progress to create a comical effect. There are several subscription options available, and you must select one if you want to have access to all of the app’s features.

How to modulate a voice during a call?

You will have to take the exact steps to modulate your voice during a call depending on the voice changer application you installed on your device. Most of these applications offer preset voices you can apply with a single tap and let you switch between effects so your representative can sound differently during the same conversation.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

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iOS Android

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Try AI Voice Changer

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try AI Voice Changer

For macOS 10.12 or later

iOS Android

Try It Free >>

We get overwhelmed with routine tasks we have to perform in our daily lives and forget how important it is to laugh. A prank call can be a great way to remind your friends and family that life without humor is empty.

Fortunately, all you need is a good prank call idea and an app that enables you to modulate your voice during the call. However, finding a voice changer app that can alter voices in real time can be daunting. That is why in this article we are going to take you through some of the best real time voice changer apps you can find on Google Play and App Store.

Best Real-Time Voice Changer Apps for iPhone and Android

Before you decide to start recording your calls or pull pranks over the phone, you must first make sure that doing that is in accordance with the law. So, here are some apps for iPhone and Android devices that will let you do that. If you can’t get in trouble for prank calling, you should find the voice changer app that enables you to get creative with your jokes.

Change Audio in Filmora Editor with Fun

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For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later

iOS Android

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1. Live Voice Changer – Prankcall

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases


real-time voice changer: live voice changer - prankcall

The modern and intuitive design makes the voice changer an attractive option for all iPhone users in need of an app that allows them to modulate their voices freely. In addition to 11 voice effects that enable you to sound like the opposite gender or even Dart Vader, this app also features a 12-band equalizer that lets you fine-tune each effect you apply to your voice. However, if you want to gain access to the app’s live voice changing features, you have to make an in-app purchase. Moreover, the free version of the app doesn’t include any of the voice recording options you can use if you purchase the full version of Live Voice Changer – Prankcall.

2. Voicemod – Voice Changer & FX



Real-time voice changer: voicemod - voice changer & FX

It is a lot of fun to sound like somebody else during your gaming sessions. Voicemod – Voice Changer & FX lets you choose from more than forty different voices that can be applied in real time. In addition to modulating voices, this app can also be used to add face filters during video calls, which can make conversations you’re having with your friends much more entertaining. All videos you capture with Voicemod – Voice Changer & FX can be shared on social media directly from the app, but keep in mind that you won’t be able to edit any of the audio and video effects this app offers.

3. Funcall – Voice Changer & Rec

**Price:**Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility:iOS , Android

Real-time voice changer: funcalls - voice changer & call recording

If you are searching for an app that enables you to make international calls to landlines and cellphones, then Funcall – Voice Changer& Rec is the right choice for you. You can make calls to more than 150 countries around the globe at low prices, enabling you to keep in touch with your friends wherever they are. Furthermore, this cross-platform app lets you choose from real time voice effects like Helium balloon, Woman or Man sound. Each call you make with Funcall can be recorded and downloaded to your device so that you can listen to it or share it with your friends on social media.

4. Another Voice Changer (° O °)



Real-time Voice changer: Another Voice Changer (° O °)

Voice messages seem to be out of fashion. Another Voice Changer can help you create voice messages that are fun to listen to. Voice effects like Baby, Ghost, Party Time or Sleepyhead are just a few among numerous options you will have at your disposal if you choose to install this app on your iPhone or iPad. What’s more, you can also create voice memes with Another Voice Changer or browse through the most popular voice messages community members share on this platform. The lack of audio editing options is the only true downside this app has.

5. Call Voice Changer – IntCall

**Price:**Free, but offers in-app purchases


Real-time voice changer: call voice changer - intcall

Making the conversations, you have with your friends more entertaining won’t be too difficult if you choose to install this app. Call Voice Changer – IntCall lets you alter your voice while the call is in progress and even change the effect in real time. Besides modulating your voice, you can also use sound effects that include greetings in different languages or birthday songs throughout the call. Even though all new users of Call Voice Changer - IntCall get some free minutes, you will have to pay for each minute of the calls you make with this app. The monthly subscription to this app is not available in all regions of the world, so choosing the pay as you go option is a better solution.

6. MagicCall – Voice Changer App

**Price:**Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility:iOS , Android

Real-time voice changer: magiccall – voice changer app

Have you ever wondered how your voice would sound if you were a kid? With MagicaCall –Voice Changer App, you easily find out since the app lets you modulate your voice or switch between different voice options during a call. Moreover, you can test how your voice will sound before you make the call so that you can plan your prank perfectly. You can also play sound emoticons like a kiss or a clap while the call is in progress to create a comical effect. There are several subscription options available, and you must select one if you want to have access to all of the app’s features.

How to modulate a voice during a call?

You will have to take the exact steps to modulate your voice during a call depending on the voice changer application you installed on your device. Most of these applications offer preset voices you can apply with a single tap and let you switch between effects so your representative can sound differently during the same conversation.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

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iOS Android

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Try AI Voice Changer

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try AI Voice Changer

For macOS 10.12 or later

iOS Android

Try It Free >>

We get overwhelmed with routine tasks we have to perform in our daily lives and forget how important it is to laugh. A prank call can be a great way to remind your friends and family that life without humor is empty.

Fortunately, all you need is a good prank call idea and an app that enables you to modulate your voice during the call. However, finding a voice changer app that can alter voices in real time can be daunting. That is why in this article we are going to take you through some of the best real time voice changer apps you can find on Google Play and App Store.

Best Real-Time Voice Changer Apps for iPhone and Android

Before you decide to start recording your calls or pull pranks over the phone, you must first make sure that doing that is in accordance with the law. So, here are some apps for iPhone and Android devices that will let you do that. If you can’t get in trouble for prank calling, you should find the voice changer app that enables you to get creative with your jokes.

Change Audio in Filmora Editor with Fun

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For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later

iOS Android

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1. Live Voice Changer – Prankcall

Price: Free, but offers in-app purchases


real-time voice changer: live voice changer - prankcall

The modern and intuitive design makes the voice changer an attractive option for all iPhone users in need of an app that allows them to modulate their voices freely. In addition to 11 voice effects that enable you to sound like the opposite gender or even Dart Vader, this app also features a 12-band equalizer that lets you fine-tune each effect you apply to your voice. However, if you want to gain access to the app’s live voice changing features, you have to make an in-app purchase. Moreover, the free version of the app doesn’t include any of the voice recording options you can use if you purchase the full version of Live Voice Changer – Prankcall.

2. Voicemod – Voice Changer & FX



Real-time voice changer: voicemod - voice changer & FX

It is a lot of fun to sound like somebody else during your gaming sessions. Voicemod – Voice Changer & FX lets you choose from more than forty different voices that can be applied in real time. In addition to modulating voices, this app can also be used to add face filters during video calls, which can make conversations you’re having with your friends much more entertaining. All videos you capture with Voicemod – Voice Changer & FX can be shared on social media directly from the app, but keep in mind that you won’t be able to edit any of the audio and video effects this app offers.

3. Funcall – Voice Changer & Rec

**Price:**Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility:iOS , Android

Real-time voice changer: funcalls - voice changer & call recording

If you are searching for an app that enables you to make international calls to landlines and cellphones, then Funcall – Voice Changer& Rec is the right choice for you. You can make calls to more than 150 countries around the globe at low prices, enabling you to keep in touch with your friends wherever they are. Furthermore, this cross-platform app lets you choose from real time voice effects like Helium balloon, Woman or Man sound. Each call you make with Funcall can be recorded and downloaded to your device so that you can listen to it or share it with your friends on social media.

4. Another Voice Changer (° O °)



Real-time Voice changer: Another Voice Changer (° O °)

Voice messages seem to be out of fashion. Another Voice Changer can help you create voice messages that are fun to listen to. Voice effects like Baby, Ghost, Party Time or Sleepyhead are just a few among numerous options you will have at your disposal if you choose to install this app on your iPhone or iPad. What’s more, you can also create voice memes with Another Voice Changer or browse through the most popular voice messages community members share on this platform. The lack of audio editing options is the only true downside this app has.

5. Call Voice Changer – IntCall

**Price:**Free, but offers in-app purchases


Real-time voice changer: call voice changer - intcall

Making the conversations, you have with your friends more entertaining won’t be too difficult if you choose to install this app. Call Voice Changer – IntCall lets you alter your voice while the call is in progress and even change the effect in real time. Besides modulating your voice, you can also use sound effects that include greetings in different languages or birthday songs throughout the call. Even though all new users of Call Voice Changer - IntCall get some free minutes, you will have to pay for each minute of the calls you make with this app. The monthly subscription to this app is not available in all regions of the world, so choosing the pay as you go option is a better solution.

6. MagicCall – Voice Changer App

**Price:**Free, but offers in-app purchases

Compatibility:iOS , Android

Real-time voice changer: magiccall – voice changer app

Have you ever wondered how your voice would sound if you were a kid? With MagicaCall –Voice Changer App, you easily find out since the app lets you modulate your voice or switch between different voice options during a call. Moreover, you can test how your voice will sound before you make the call so that you can plan your prank perfectly. You can also play sound emoticons like a kiss or a clap while the call is in progress to create a comical effect. There are several subscription options available, and you must select one if you want to have access to all of the app’s features.

How to modulate a voice during a call?

You will have to take the exact steps to modulate your voice during a call depending on the voice changer application you installed on your device. Most of these applications offer preset voices you can apply with a single tap and let you switch between effects so your representative can sound differently during the same conversation.

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  • Author: David
  • Created at : 2024-05-05 10:13:35
  • Updated at : 2024-05-06 10:13:35
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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New In 2024, How Can You Use Suspense Music to Master Film Score